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Imputation and system modeling of acid-base state parameters for different groups of patients 


The paper investigated the possibility of correct replacement of missing values in sets of acid-base state in the artery and vein in different groups of patients with different outcomes of the disease: “discharged”, “died”, “transferred to another medical institution”, as well as prospects for the application of individual optimization multidimensional estimates of these biomedical parameters in the form of projections on a one-dimensional space. The relevance of the above tasks is determined by the need for the full use of medical data in the analysis of large repositories of information of medical organizations and the provision of verified multidimensional assessments of biomedical systems to doctors from a large range of patient health indicators. A statistical method has been applied to verify the correctness of imputation data sets using discriminant analysis procedures. Further, the imputed data set was processed to obtain a symmetric correlation matrix optimized in a certain way and the accompanying logarithms of criterion functions that are individual system assessments of the condition of each patient in different groups of patients at a certain point in the study. After that, to identify differences in the logarithms of the criterion functions of the acid-base state parameters between groups of patients with different outcomes, the authors used the method of calculating multidimensional Hotelling T2 statistics. The correctness of the application of discriminant analysis procedures to verify the imputation of data sets is shown. Differences in the logarithms of the criteria functions of the acid-base state indicators between venous and arterial blood by patient outcome groups were revealed. Significant differences in the parameters of acid-base state based on the multidimensional statistics of T2 Hotelling between groups of patients with different outcomes were revealed. It is found that data imputation significantly increases the volume and representativeness of the sample under study. It is demonstrated that the substituted data make it possible to carry out a systematic statistical assessment of the totality of body parameters based on the calculation of the logarithms of the criterion functions of the acid-base state. Such logarithms make it possible to reliably distinguish patients in different groups of patients by outcomes in three groups: “discharged”, “deceased”, “transferred to another medical institution”. 100 % differences of biochemical parameters according to the multivariate T2 Hotelling statistics between these three groups of patients with COVID-19 are shown. The results of the study can be applied in the development of information systems of individual medical biochemical and hematological devices and analyzers and corresponding artificial intelligence systems in the future.


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